16 Genius Pizza Hacks That Will Make You Ask, "Where Have You Been My Whole Life?"
These hacks are the pizza de résistance.
1. If you're making homemade pizza, buy the toppings from a salad bar to save time and money.

2. Ordering one larger pizza — instead of two smaller ones — will generally get you more pizza and cost less overall.
Here's a useful counterintuitive fact: one 18 inch pizza has more 'pizza' than two 12 inch pizzas
3. If you need plates, you can rip off the top of the pizza box and turn it into four pizza-sized ones.
4. Reheat cold pizza on the stove for crisp crust and melty cheese.
Legendary Lesson #5: reheating pizza in a pan, covered on low heat = crisp crust and melty cheese. #PizzaHack
5. If you're reheating pizza in the microwave, put a glass of water in with it to stop the crust from getting chewy.

6. While we're discussing leftovers, you can use a waffle iron to transform two slices into something ridiculously tasty.

7. You can also use two leftover slices to make this insanely tasty grilled cheese-style pizza.

8. Want to get really crazy with leftover pizza? Make pizza croutons!

9. Frozen pizza hack: Rearrange the pepperoni (or other ingredients) before cooking to make it easier to cut clean slices.

10. Speaking of frozen pizza — try slicing it BEFORE putting it in the oven to cut down on the chances of the dreaded cold center!

11. You might know this one already, but if not it's a good one — use a soda bottle to keep your takeout pizza flat on the way home.

12. You can also keep your takeout pizza warm on that drive home by wrapping it in a car window sun shade.

13. Don't have a sun shade? Try turning the seat warmer on to keep your pizza warm.
When you turn the seat warmer on to keep your takeaway pizza warm 😂 #pizzahack
14. If your crew is fighting over the last piece of pizza, split it equally by cutting it into four smaller pieces.

15. Want a low carb pizza option? Try using a giant mushroom instead of dough.

16. And lastly — want to watch your phone as you inhale your delivery pizza? Use the table-like thing that keeps your pizza from getting smooshed on the way to your house!